Rescan Riffle - Rescan Riffle - photo 834

  • 299 Thurlow Street, Vancouver
In all likelihood, Rescan Environmental has absolutely nothing to do with this small, plain fountain except for the fact that it sits above a portion of the building where their sign is situated. So if there is a problem with it, don't go running to Rescan. The interesting thing about this fountain is that it is so plain and stuck on the outside terrace which juts out over the intersection. I suppose that almost no one goes to sit by it as there are not benches and the pools walls are quite low so it might be a bit awkward to sit on them. The most notable feature of this fountain is that standing beside it gets you a great view of the many glass towers which rise up around the park across the street, and if you turn North, you can see out over Burrard Inlet to the North Shore mountains but the new building being constructed will soon put an end to that view.
Rescan Riffle photo

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